Author Archives: admin

Is Your Balance Sheet Making You Dizzy?

Dealing with your company’s financial reports is probably not the most enjoyable part of your job. But here’s a prediction: If you avoid this less enjoyable responsibility long enough you’ll end up with a whole lot more unenjoyable things to deal with later. But if you let your financial documents speak to you they can […]

Why “Toil?”

My consulting and mentoring service is called Rewarding Toil. I use the word toil very intentionally. It goes to the heart of my work in helping business owners. As a consultant I do the things all good consultant should do. I review finances, I instill sound business practices, I evaluate management and employee performance, and […]

The Key in Ecclesiastes

In my consulting and mentoring work, as I get into the nitty-gritty of evaluating and accessing the particulars of a business, I also work to restore joy and contentment to the business owner in their work. Work is hard, that’s why they call it work. But it can also bring great reward (and not just […]